
Thursday, October 1, 2015


It's October! This year has flown by. I can't believe my baby will be 1 this month. I took September pretty easy. I didn't set very many goals. I had a birthday, my daughter's birthday, hurt my foot, and just didn't give it my all. I missed workouts. I cheated A LOT.

But it's a new month. I'm so close to my goals, I can taste them. I just need to push through October and give it my ALL. I have 10 pounds left to lose. I need to get more organized in my business. I need to continue to build my business.

I have amazing tools to reach my goals, I just have to do the work. I am going to do my workouts 6 days a week! I'll be doing the 21 Day Fix workouts in the mornings, and when I can I'll be trying some new workouts in the evenings. I am going to stick to the meal plan and meal prepping. I am cutting out sugar for No Sugar October. I thought I had made this up, but apparently it's Breast Cancer Awareness month and sugar is the #1 food that causes cancer. If you'd like to join me, you can search No Sugar October on Facebook and ask to join! I am going to be doing research and studying to be an even better coach for my customers! I am going to  read all the personal development books I can get my hands on to build my business. It's going to be a BIG month for me, because I say so and I'm going to make it happen.

What kind of goals do you have this month? Do you need help staying on track? Do you lack motivation? Message me and lets chat!

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