"My name is Ashley and all my life I have struggled with my weight going Up and Down. I can remember being 13 and drinking Slim Fast to lose weight and restricting food to get results. Of corse we all know that those results don’t last! I was teased for being bigger and my family even shamed me at times. My mom was constantly dieting and I even remember my older sister struggling with her weight as well. I have done yo-yo diets, starvation even binging and purging. I have struggled with body dysmorphic disorder as well. In the summer of 2012, I was at my goal weight of 125lbs. I didn’t do it the healthy way at all. Lots of running and restricting foods, and purging when I did indulge. It was very hard on my body to maintain what I was doing. I slowly let bad habits like binging on fast food come back. Since then, I have let my self get back to my heaviest weight of 189lbs. I didn’t realize how out of control my weight had gotten but then again, I was self medicating with alcohol…LOTS OF ALCOHOL. I spent the last 2 years of my life drinking myself to death because I was unhappy with who I saw in the mirror. I let my relationship with my fiancé and my daughter suffer.
I need to make a change.
I was following a Beachbody coach on
Facebook and one day she posted her story on her wall.
She showed her struggles and she had
overcome body image issues and shedding the weight with T25. I had seen her
posts before but when she shared her story it sparked something in me. If she
could make a change so could I! I wanted nothing more than to love my body and
be comfortable with myself and to also repair my relationships with my family.
I reached out to her and we chatted
about what I was going through and how she could help me, if I was willing to
do the work!
I finally had HOPE!
I ordered the 21 Day Fix Extreme and
it was the best decision of my life!
I have turned my life around.
I’m not going to lie…..the first few
days were ROUGH..basically HELL!
First of all when you open your
Challenge pack and pull out the containers and see them your first thought is
Then come the workouts…….its only 30
I hadn’t worked out for the last 2
years let alone run. I pushed play and then realized that this was going to be
Huffing and puffing through the warm
up meant that it was going to be a VERY LONG 30 minutes.
I pushed through the first workout
but I did want to die the whole time, face beat red, sweat dripping and places
I didn’t know could sweat did and Im pretty sure I was going to pass out or
Don’t worry none of those happened
The food was way more than I
expected and I even felt full all day long.
I called my coach and asked her if I
HAD TO EAT ALL THE FOOD….she said yes!
My brain was telling me NOPE, NO
My Coach said,TRUST THE PROCESS…..
I continued to Push Play and at the
end of my first week of portion control and 30 minute workouts I was down 5lbs!
All the sweat, tears and sore
muscles were worth it!
I continued to push play and at the
end of the 21 Days I was 13lbs lighter!!
During my journey I shared on my
Facebook wall my progress, and when I shared my before and afters I had so many
people who were ready to make a change!
I had signed up as a discount coach
because I knew I was going to do multiple rounds of the 21 Day Fix and I was in
love with Shakeology!
It was the healthiest, easiest and
simplest meal of the day and it came in a yummy chocolate flavor!
Ladies who had followed my progress
reached out to me and before I knew it I was running a challenge group just
like the one I had started my journey in.
I truly believe that the VIP
Challenge group on Facebook was one of the keys to my success. We had daily
check-in’s and were held accountable by our coach.
It was nice to be encouraged by
complete strangers who were on the same fitness journey as me. They shared
their struggles and triumphs and were the motivation I needed to help me keep going
when I wanted to give up.
Its been 4 1/2 months since I
started this journey. I am a Diamond Coach and at 150lbs and have helped over
40 men and women reach their health and fitness goals! I have grown a team of
amazing coaches who are helping others just like I did. I have built a
successful business part time from my laptop at home and what started as just a way to take
back my health has transformed into so much more.
Fitness is a journey and I am so
excited to see where this journey takes me!"
I'm so proud of my friend and how far she has come! Not only has she lost weight, but she's changed her mindset about health. I'm so grateful to be on her down-line and to have her as an example! You're doing great and amazing things girl!
Did Ashley's story motivate you? Leave me a comment!
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